List of posters and talks given at national and international conferences
- Exploring co-orbitals around low-mass stars --
Olga Balsalobre-Ruza (, July 2024)
SEA 2024: Spanish Astronomical Society, Granada (Spain)
- All you need to know about co-orbitals --
Jorge Lillo-Box (February 2020)
ESA Astrobiology Brainstorming, Leiden, ESTEC (Netherlands) - Genesis of Trojans in PDS 70 b potentially hunted with ALMA -- Olga Balsalobre-Ruza (July 2023)
TOE III: Towards Other Earths, IA, Porto (Portugal), July 2023
- Witnessing the genesis of exotrojans in PDS 70 -- Olga Balsalobre-Ruza (July 2023)
CPS II: Complex Planetary Systems Kavli-IAU Symposium 382, University of Namur (Belgium), July 2023.
- Towards completing extrasolar systems with the TROY project -- Olga Balsalobre-Ruza (March 2023)
ESLAB 2023 -- Understanding planets in the Solar System and beyond, ESA-ESTEC, Netherlands, March 2023.
2021 and before
- The role of TROY in the ESPRESSO Science Team --
Jorge Lillo-Box (February 2020)
ESPRESSO Science Team Meeting, Palermo (Italy) - TROY: co-orbital exoplanets with CARMENES --
Jorge Lillo-Box (November 2019)
CARMENES 11th Science Meeting - Glory or Death. TOI-178b,c: either the first co-orbital planets or just two false positives --
Jorge Lillo-Box (August 2019)
Extreme Solar Systems IV, Iceland
TESS Science Conference I, Boston (USA) - The TROY project: a search for exotrojans --
Jorge Lillo-Box (July 2018)
XIII Reunión Científica de la
SEA - A search for exotrojan planets --
Jorge Lillo-Box (July 2017)
Transiting Exoplantes, University of Keele (UK) - A search for exotrojan planets --
Jorge Lillo-Box (July 2017)
CHEOPS Science Workshop #5, Austria - TROY: looking for orbit mates of extrasolar planets --
Jorge Lillo-Box (July 2016)
XII Reunión Científica de la SEA, Bilbao (Spain) - TROY: Looking for the first exotrojan planets --
Jorge Lillo-Box (July 2016)
Exoplanets I, Davos (Switzerland) - Looking for the first co-orbital exoplanet: synnergies between CHEOPS and TROY --
Jorge Lillo-Box (July 2016)
CHEOPS Science Workshop #4, Geneva (Switzerland)
List of seminars given by TROY team members on co-orbital bodies:
- Exoplanetas co-orbitales: el caballo de Troya cósmico
Jorge Lillo-Box (Junio 2023)
SOMA Sociedad Mexicana de Astrobiología (online) - Searching for young co-orbitals with ALMA --
Olga Balsalobre-Ruza (Junio 2022)
European Southern Observatory (Chile) - The hunt for co-orbital exoplanets --
Jorge Lillo-Box (February 2022),
STScI, Baltimore (US), online